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Author: Muhammad Ulwan Shidqi A

Pengembangan Mobile Application untuk Mengidentifikasi Kepribadian dengan Graphology

Proses identifikasi psikologi dapat dilakukan dengan banyak pendekatan, salah satunya adalah dengan cara menganalisa cara menulis yang termasuk dalam bidang graphology. Mengenali jenis kepribadian memberikan manfaat tidak hanya untuk diri sendiri, namun juga dapat di terapkan pada lingkungan kerja salah satunya adalah penempatan bagian berdasarkan komposisi dan kecocokan karakter individu. Hasil tes psikologi masih dapat dikembangkan dalam bidang lainnya yang tentunya di sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masing-masing. Karena memahami karakter seseorang sangat penting karena hal tersebut akan menentukan cara berinteraksi sosial [1]. Teknologi mobile adalah teknologi yang saat ini sangat mudah ditemukan. Perkembangan mobile phone yang selalu meningkat secara performa...

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Implementasi Board Game untuk Pembelajaran Biologi Sekolah Dasar

Sekolah dasar adalah tempat pertama dalam pengenalan dunia yang lebih luas. karena itu pendidik diharuskan untuk membuat kondisi belajar yang interaktif dan membangun rasa ingin tahu, membentuk interaksi aktif, dan mampu menumbuhkan antusiasme dalam perserta didik. Dengan metode yang tepat, kondisi pembelajaran tersebut dapat dicapai. Teaching students in a pleasant and successful way more and more requires the inclusion of interactive elements in the mix of didactic elements [1]. Salah satu metode pembelajaran yang dapat di gunakan adalah dengan mengimplementasikan board game untuk menjadi platform dari permainan yang membawa materi pembelajaran kedalam proses proses permainan. Mengingat teknologi digital dan koneksi yang semakin luas. Banyak sekali impuls yang menyebabkan hilangnya fokus peserta didik pada materi pembelajaran karena proses yang dinilai kaku dan sekedar menghafal. The search for creative ways to enhance the teaching and learning of science subjects, combined with the growing popularity of games, has led to increased study of Game-Based Learning (GBL) in the classroom. The use of games in the classroom has steadily increased as researchers and educators alike become more convinced of their high potential to facilitate the learning of science subjects (Morris et al., 2013) and promote positive changes in the school curriculum (Barton et al., 2018; Smith & Munro, 2009). This methodology has also been shown to promote social development (Berland & Lee, 2012) and foster teamwork skills (Azizan et al., 2018) [2]. Dengan...

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Implementasi Gamifikasi dalam Pendidikan Pada Awal Transisi dalam Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Muhammad Ulwan S. A. 4210181016 D4 - Teknologi Game 2018 Mata Kuliah Bahasa Indonesia Perubahan dalam sistem pembelajaran berubah secara luas yang terjadi karena efek dari kebijakan social-distancing di masa pandemi COVID-19 menghasilkan kebijakan yang memunculkan permasalahan infrastruktur yang tidak di proritaskan dan dinilai kurang siap dalam menghadapi  transisi kedalam sistem pendidikan hybrid antara pembelajaran konvensional dan digital. Kondisi ini terjadi karena adanya ketidak merataan dari kesanggupan pelajar yang tentunya datang dari kondisi dan latar belakang yang berbeda. Seperti yang di kutip dari Mantan Pimpinan Riset Microsoft, Kentaro Toyama berpendapat “technology use can only amplify existing human capacity and intent: it cannot act as a substitute where human capacity and intent do not exist”. Maka dapat diambil bahwa teknologi memang bukanlah alasan utama penyebab hambatan dalam pembelajaran dan hal yang terpenting dari suatu proses pembelajaran ada di dalam proses pembelajaran itu tersendiri, dalam bentuk apapun. Namun dari studi tentang Digital Poverty in a Pandemic menyebutkan, We see this in well-resourced schools which are able to capitalise on the benefits of technology in the learning environment, while poorer schools do not seem to reap the same benefits. Even if everyone were to own a mobile phone, communities can still be disadvantaged as device ownership does not necessarily imply being able to keep it charged, topped up with credit, and repaired when damaged (Matthew, 2020). Problematika lain yang muncul adalah masih...

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How To Manage Data That Stored Online English Podcast – M Ulwan Shidqi A How To Manage Data That Stored Online Hello everyone, Today i am going to show you how to find out what data google store when you’re browsing the internet, the purpose of this video is just a reminder that what you do when you are online and using google products, your data traced, stored and analyzed. And just to make sure that everybody is aware about their own privacy and to make sure that they logged out their account after using a public computer.   Its not like google is using the data from you for anything illegal, though. If you are the type that really concern about your privacy, or you want to know what data you produce when you went online; you should look at this video. The first step is open your browser and then login to an account We are now at the main menu, here all the account control setting are placed. From here we go to the data & personalization, the button is on the upper left. Then in the activity and timeline section, click my activity. And now we are at the activity logs, here almost all your searching logs, position on the map, what site you log in, are stored here. You may be surprised that what you searched 5 years ago are still existing, even if you are really...

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Top 10 Popular Jobs In Game Industry English Podcast – M Ulwan Shidqi A   First of all, Try imagine a video game then divide it by its content and you will realize that game isn’t just about making playable things that moving around the screen. It contains graphic that appears on screen, music that simulate the game condition and environment, system that draw the rule and make things move around, script that define whats the game about, and so on. So that should be obvious in game industry, there are so many different jobs that interconnected in game making process until the game reaches your device right? Game Designer it may be obvious, but being a game developer means design and make the game as you want it. Coming up with your own concept that eventually become video games. Collaborate with other designers, writers, artists, programmers, and other roles and leading them towards the final build of the game should be enough to attract people for being a game designer. But this jobs demands creativity in making fun and playable games. It requires experiences in game developing career to understand technical and important minor things inside a game and also soft skill such as communicating skills. Job titles include game designer, lead director, and level designer. 2. Programmer and Software engineer Software engineer and programmer are the one that make the concept of the game become sensible to the computer, and...

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