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Author: Zakiyyatul Miskiyyah

Inspirasi Outfit Hijab Casual Biar OOTD Kamu Makin Keren

Kalau  dahulu mix and match hanya banyak diterapkan pada pakaian non hijab, sekarang pakaian berhijab juga banyak dilakukan mix and match yang hasilnya tak kalah keren lohh.  Mix and match pada pakaian ini sering dikaitkan dengan istilah Outfit Of The Day atau biasa disingkat dengan OOTD. Nyatanya, untuk menghasilkan OOTD yang keren bisa dibilang gampang – gampang susah loh. Kamu harus kreatif biar bisa tampil dengan OOTD yang keren meskipun dengan pakaian yang terbilang simple. Nah buat kamu yang masih suka bingung nentuin OOTD biar tampilan hari – harimu lebih keren, sepertinya info dari mimin kali ini wajib banget loh buat kamu simak. Yapp benar sekali, mimin bakal ngasih inpirasi outfit hijab casual untuk sehari – hari yang bisa kamu pakai buat pergi ke kampus, kerja atau buat nongkrong juga bisa banget looh 1. Outfit Casual Dengan Rok Plisket Outfit menggunakan rok plisket Meskipun pakai rok, kamu tetep bisa looh tampil casual yang terlihat santai dan tentunya nggak ribet. Nahh kali ini mimin ngasih inspirasi rok plisket yang bisa kamu padu padankan dengan sweater oversized, sweater dan rok plisket berwarna hijau akan tampak anggun dengan tambahan kudung pashmina dengan warna netral. Look ini cocok banget buat kamu yang punya postur tubuh tinggi. digunakan di segala acara juga bisa nihh. Buat acara formal pun outfit ini akan tetap sopan meski terlihat santai dan simple. 2. OOTD Modis Dengan Kemeja Motif Outfit...

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How To Make a Filter in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom in PC-English Podcast-Zakiyyatul Miskiyyah How To Make a Filter in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom in PC and Save The Preset Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb let me introduce myself, my name is Zakiyyatul Miskiyyah im from 1 MMB B class and now I’d like to share to you how I make a filter in this photo. This is the before and this is the after. So if you’re curious just keep on watching. first open the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC then select the photo that you want to edit by clicking library, choose the photo and then import. after that we switch to develop....

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TOP 10 GRAPHIC DESIGN SOFTWARE-ENGLISH PODCAST-ZAKIYYATUL MISKIYYAH Graphic design. What is that? Graphic design is the application of art and communication skills for personal, business and industrial needs. When we read an advertisement or see a logo, we are at the end of receiving communication through design. People who create a design are often referred to as designers Graphic design software is made up of powerful tools that are basically used in the creation, editing, and management of computer graphics. Graphics may come in the form of images, clip art, drawings, illustrations, digital paintings and artworks, web graphics, icons, logo, titles and headings, and backgrounds,...

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Jack and the Beanstalk-English Podcast-Zakiyyatul Miskiyyah

Once upon a time there lived a poor widow and her son Jack. One day, Jack’s mother told him to sell their only cow. Jack went to the market and on the way he met a man who wanted to buy his cow. Jack asked, “What will you give me in return for my cow?” The man answered, “I will give you five magic beans!” Jack took the magic beans and gave the man the cow. But when he reached home, Jack’s mother was very angry. She said, “You fool! He took away your cow and gave you some...

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