KOMPAS.comDicoding , a startup provider of digital platforms that bridges application developers with market needs, offers a programming scholarship program “Indonesia is healthy, remains productive”.

In the midst of the outbreak of the positive cases of Covid-19 Indonesia, Dicoding wants to encourage the Indonesian application developers to remain productive.

“Hopefully, this programming scholarship initiatives may be one of the solutions that our country remains positive amid the current endemic situation,” said Narenda., “Said CEO Dicoding Narenda Wicaksono, in a press statement received by KompasTekno , Friday (03/13/2020) .

The training provided starts from developing Android applications and games , learning machine learning via Python, to creating Instagram filters with AR technology.

In this scholarship program , applicants are invited to choose one of five scholarship options for beginner classes, namely:

  1. Start programming with Kotlin
  2. Start programming in Python
  3. Learn to make Cognitive applications
  4. Learn to make Augmented Reality
  5. Learn to make games for beginners

Each class is 30 days long. There are no quota or special requirements in this scholarship program.

Because the entire learning process through consultation is done online on the Dicoding platform, it requires a computer / laptop device and an internet connection to participate in this program.

Each scholarship applicant will get their chosen class as long as they are registered as members at dicoding.com . To become a member of Dicoding is not free at all.

“Our hope is that despite the increasingly limited mobility, all participants from Sabang to Merauke can freely learn without barriers or space restrictions,” Narenda said.

The registration for the “Healthy Indonesia, Stay Productive” programming scholarship took place on March 10-19, 2020.

For more information please visit this page, https://www.dicoding.com/blog/beasiswasehat/ or Dicoding social media (IG: @dicoding ; FB: @dicoding; Twitter: @dicoding; Youtube: Dicoding Indonesia).

Previously, Dicoding had held a scholarship program for young Indonesians and those with economic limitations. The program received positive responses from thousands of applicants.

Source: https://tekno.kompas.com/read/2020/03/13/19120067/dicoding-gelar-pelatihan-pemrograman-android-gratis-