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Author: Riski Alifia Putri

5 Rekomendasi harga facemist saffron yang sedang VIRAL

Akhir-akhir ini banyak sekali produk skincare yang mengusung konsep organic ingredients menggunakan bahan alami tanpa menimbulkan efek samping. Tidak terkecuali saffron. Jenis rempah yang digadang sebagai rempah termahal di dunia ini memiliki banyak sekali manfaat untuk kesehatan. Saat ini produk olahan saffron yang sedang naik daun yaitu facemist saffron. Banyaknya brand yang mengaku dirinya merupakan produsen saffron dengan kualitas terbaik dan harga terjangkau, kali ini mimin rangkumin buat kalian 5 rekomendasi harga facemist saffron termurah Saffron facemist spray by Lea Gloria Yap! Pertama ada facemist glowing saffron by Lea Gloria. Seperti Namanya, saffron facemist ini mengklaim bahwa produk mereka bisa membuat glowing wajah kalian hanya dengan beberapa kali pemakaian. Facemist saffron ini dibandrol dengan harga 30 ribu per 100ml nya. Kalian juga gaperlu khawatir karena selain menggunakan bahan organic facemist ini juga sudah bersertifikat BPOM lhoo… Facemist Saffron Organic by CHAVA Rekomendasi kali ini yaitu Saffron facemist by Chava yang lagi viral banget di TikTok! Gimana nggak viral saffron facemist ini udah banyak dipake dan di review sama beberapa influencer papan atas lohh.. meski begitu facemist ini masih dibandrol dengan harga yang aman dikantong. harga facemist saffron ini 35.000 aja per botolnya. Jadi gimana udah cobain belum? KALA Face Mist Saffron With Zamzam Water Untuk rekomendasi ketiga ini lumayan berbeda dari sebelumnya karena air yang dipakai untuk facemist adalah air zam-zam loh! Wah siapasih yang gatau khasiatnya air zam-zam...

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HOW TO REDUCE THE SIZE OF PHOTO USING PAINT PROGRAM-STUDENT PODCAST-RISKI ALIFIA PUTRI   HOW TO REDUCE THE SIZE OF PHOTO USING PAINT PROGRAM Hello friends. on this happy occasion, I will share how to reduce the size of photos using paint program. of course in a very easy way. And yeah lets move to the tutorial prepare the photo you want to reduce in size open the paint program after that open your photo via paint after that select the resize menu or you can use the ctrl + w button after the “resize and skew” box appears, please select the pixel set the size of the resolution you want and then click ok the last step select save as then select the jpeg menu and click ok well now please see the size of your photo through the property. now must have been...

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Top10 smartphone with the best front camera English Podcast-Riski Alifia Putri Video blogging or similliar with (VLOG) is one of the most hype photography activities that is popular with many people. Today to make videos is not limited to just using a camera but can also use smartphones. Now there are many smartphones equipped with the best front camera and not inferior to the camera.This is certainly will require smartphone manufacturers to keep on competing in creating a smartphone with a front camera equipped with the best features. So in this time I will give you 10 recommendation about the best front camera on smartphone. Honor 10 Although it...

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Jack and The Beanstalk-Podcast Student-Riski Alifia Putri

Once upon a time there lived a poor widow and her son Jack. One day, Jack’s mother told him to sell their only cow. Jack went to the market and on the way he met a man who wanted to buy his cow. Jack asked, “What will you give me in return for my cow?” The man answered, “I will give you five magic beans!” Jack took the magic beans and gave the man the cow. But when he reached home, Jack’s mother was very angry. She said, “You fool! He took away your cow and gave you some...

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