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Author: Elisa Willy Santoso

SBMPN Politeknik 2021: Tes Tulis atau Seleksi Portofolio?

SBMPN Politeknik 2021 UMPN yang bertransformasi Seleksi Bersama Masuk Politeknik Negeri, atau yang biasa disebut SBMPN, merupakan salah satu jalur masuk politeknik negeri yang ada di Indonesia. Awalnya, seleksi SBMPN politeknik ini bernama Ujian Masuk Politeknik Negeri (UMPN). Kemudian, panitia pusat dan politeknik-politeknik negeri mengubah namanya menjadi SBMPN dengan beberapa pertimbangan. Walaupun mengalami perubahan nama, mekanisme dan proses seleksi pada jalur masuk politeknik ini tetap sama dengan UMPN yakni menggunakan tes tulis. SBMPN paling banyak diminati siswa Pada tahun 2020, SBMPN merupakan jalan yang paling diminati oleh calon mahasiswa yang ingin melanjutkan pendidikan ke politeknik. Mengapa? Karena pelaksanaan SBMPN...

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How to Create a Simple Illustration Logo – English Podcast – Elisa Willy Santoso

Hello all This time I will explain about how to create a simple illustration logo using the CorelDRAW.   One, we prepare CorelDraw first. We wait until the job window appears.   Next, we click the new document menu to create a new document. We make 200 x 200 mm size. For starters, we make a frame or frame from the worksheet by double clicking the rectangle icon. After that, so that the frame that is created is not visible, then we are in the direction of the color palette, right-click the box containing the cross. Press F4 so...

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Top 10 Most Iconic Logo in the World – English Podcast Student – Elisa Willy Santoso   Logo is one part of branding, which is a visual identity for one company. The logo can be simplified into icons that are easily seen by people, so that the uniqueness and superiority of the logo can be seen. Logo becomes an urgency in the company because people will surely see the first time what the company name is. Although it is not a very preferred thing, the application of this logo can distinguish one company from another and its use is very effective in the branding of the company. Each logo must have the meaning and...

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Old Mother Goose and Her Son Jack – English Podcast – Elisa Willy Santoso Old Mother Goose and Her Son Jack by Joseph Martin Kronheim Old Mother Goose lived in a cottage with her son Jack. Jack was a very good lad, and although he was not handsome, he was good-tempered and industrious, and this made him better-looking than half the other boys. Old Mother Goose carried a long stick, she wore a high-crowned hat, and high-heeled shoes, and her kerchief was as white as snow. Then there was the Gander that swam in the pond, and the Owl that sat on the wall. So you see they formed a very happy...

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