How to Mounting or Access your Linux partition from windows

How to easily access Linux partition from windows partition manager. If you dual boot your computer with Windows and Linux, you’ll be able to access NTFS of FAT partition under Linux, but you cannot access Linux partition under windows. So if you need to mount/access Linux partition under windows without booting into Linux operating system, then you need to use third-party software to read & write Ext partition.

Here we will use an open-source Linux file-system driver called Ext2Fsd which is solely made to bring Ext2/3/4 support in Microsoft Windows. With this, you can automatically mount Ext partitions on Microsoft Windows. With this, you can automatically mount Ext partitions on boot or mount just when you need.

Tools :

  1. Linux Operating System
  2. Windows Operating System
  3. Ext2Fsd

The tutorial is :

  1. Download Ext2Fsd from
  2. While installing, mark “Make Ext2Fsd automatically started when system boots” and hit Next and finish the setup. It will auto-start Ext2Fsd driver with Windows from next reboot.
  3. Start Ext2Fsd Volume Manager. With this, you can set mount point and settings.
  4. To assign a volume latter, double-click on the partition ( or choose the partition and select Tools > Ex2 Volume Management ), enable “Mountpoint for fixed disk” and assign a drive letter. Hit Apply
  5. On next reboot of windows, you will see your desired Linux partition is mounted in Explorer as other standard partitions.
  6. You can also set your custom name by renaming the default name “Local Disk”. That’s it

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