Yii2 is one of php based framework. This framework can help you to build modern aplication rapidly


Before we start there some requirements that must be prepared.

  1. Xampp, If you never installed xampp before, you could download on www.apachefriends.org
  1. We need good internet connection, to download the yii package

There is two ways to install yii framework, using the Composer package manager or by downloading an archive file .


Install via composser

  1. Install composer
  2. Run command promp
  3. Change directory to xampp/htdocs
  4. Create aplication using composer command
  5. Run apache on Xampp
  6. load the aplication


The second way is by downloading the arcive file

  1. Download archive
  2. Ekstrak file in xampp/htdocs directory
  3. Load the aplication
  4. There is an error mesage because we need to add configuration in config/web.php
  5. Reload the aplication