1. Open up the Visio 2013
  2. Search for online templates > UML Use Case.
  3. Drag a Subsystem shape onto the drawing page. The subsystem can represent your entire system or a major component.
  4. Double-click the Subsystem shape, and then type a new name for it. Click outside the shape on the drawing page.
  5. Drag Use Case shapes from the Use Case stencil and place them inside the subsystem boundary
  6. Drag Actor shapes to the outside of the subsystem boundary. And then type a new name for it by double click the actor.
  7. Use connector shapes to indicate relationships between use cases and actors. There are five connectors available :
  • Association : Shows the relationship of an actor to a use case.
  • Dependency : Indicates that one use case has a dependency on another.
  • Generalization : Indicates that a use case is a specific way to achieve goals of the general use case.
  • Include : Shows how a use case is broken into smaller steps.
  • Extend : Shows that one use case adds functionality to another.

Example: To indicate a relationship between an actor and a use case in a use case diagram, drag an Association connector shape onto the drawing page.

  1. Move the Association shape to a connection point on an Actor shape until you see the end of the association line that means it connects with the object.
  2. Save the diagram.