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Author: Febriana Ayu Kanti N.

5 Rekomendasi Aplikasi Manajemen Proyek yang Patut Tim Anda Coba!

Di tengah kesibukan dan tumpukkan pekerjaan tim sering kali membuat kita kewalahan. Beruntungnya, teknologi sudah jauh lebih berkembang dan sangat efisien bagi semua orang. Kita bisa dengan mudah mengelola dan memonitor jalannya suatu proyek, cukup dengan satu tampilan di layar gadget kita saja. Kami sudah menyiapkan lima rekomendasi aplikasi manajemen proyek yang patut Anda dan tim anda coba. Kira-kira ada aplikasi apa saja ya? Yuk, langsung simak rekomendasi di bawah! 1.  Aplikasi Manajemen Proyek : Trello Trello merupakan aplikasi kolaborasi yang sangat fleksibel. Pengguna dapat mengontrol pengerjaan suatu proyek bersama anggota lainnya dalam satu wadah digital saja. Jadi, pengguna dalam tim tersebut akan mengetahui progres terbaru pada setiap proyek, orang yang bertugas pada jobdesk tertentu, dan sejauh mana pekerjaan tersebut sudah diselesaikan. Trello 2.  Notion Mirip dengan aplikasi Trello, Notion juga merupakan all-in-one workspace yang dirancang untuk membantu pengelolaan berbagai pekerjaan dari satu tampilan saja. Anda bisa menulis bermacam jenis catatan, menyusun to-do list, bahkan mengatur workflow buatan sendiri, lho! Tools dan fitur yang lengkap sangat memudahkan pengguna untuk memanfaatkan aplikasi ini semaksimal mungkin. Notion 3.  Todoist Aplikasi satu ini menawarkan tampilan yang ringkas dan mudah dipahami. Anda bisa mengkategorikan jenis tugas pada jenis proyek sesuai kebutuhan. Mengatur jadwal, membuat rencana lengkap dengan pengingat, maupun berkolaborasi juga sangat mudah dilakukan melalui Todoist. Todoist 4.  Slack Aplikasi ini pasti sudah tidak asing lagi di kalangan perusahaan dan juga komunitas. Slack sendiri...

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How to Make a Simple Frame Using Adobe Illustrator – English Podcast – Febriana Ayu Kanti N. HOW TO MAKE A SIMPLE FRAME USING ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR Create a new worksheet by clicking File Menu => New => create an A4 size worksheet, then click OK Make 1 rectangle with Width = 21 cm and Height = 29.7 cm or equal to the size of the width of our work that is A4, and place it exactly in the middle of the art board Now we will add a rectangle with a distance of 1 cm inside of the rectangle we first made. Click Object Menu => Path => Offset Path … => then an option for Offset Path => fill the Offset with the number -1 cm, because to add to it means minus. After that, make a horizontal line then copy down, and press CTRL + C and CTRL + V to repeat copying and pasting the line automatically. The line group that you have made earlier, then rotate as many as 45 Degrees, and place each other cut on the frame that we made earlier Selection of all objects and lines with the Selection Tool, also can press CTRL + A (Select All) Open the Window Menu => Pathfinder => select Divide Then Select Menu Object => Ungroup Select the object that is inside and press delete on the keyboard. After that, give the color as desired...

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Top 10 Best Android Photo Editor Apps – English Podcast – Febriana Ayu K. N

TOP 10 BEST ANDROID PHOTO EDITOR APPS 10 Best Android Photo Editor Apps In 2019             Since we live in the world where we just want to capture moments, regardless we want all of our moments to look perfect and catchy. And by that, we need tools to make our photos to look perfect. with that being said, here are top 10 best android photo editor apps that will help you so much to get your best looking photo. Photoshop Express   This Adobe Photoshop Express is one of the easiest, quickest photo editor on devices. It is packed with common basic features like crop, straighten, flip photo, filters, and etc. Not only it’s easy and quick, Photoshop Express is also has some advanced tools like Image Rendering Engine to handle large files like panoramic photos. If users want to reduce some noise, unwanted grain, this app is featured with Noise Reduction, too. The app is super easy to use, and not to mention it’s free to download. When most photo editor apps contain ads, Photoshop Express is ad-free, so you don’t have to deal with them. It also provides you the service to share the edited photos on any other social networking sites.   Special Features Of Photoshop Express It has more than 80 filters for instantly editing photos. The photos are able to be edited and imported...

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The Tale of Peter Rabbit – English Podcast – Febriana Ayu

ONCE upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were— Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter. They lived with their Mother in a sand-bank, underneath the root of a very big fir tree. “NOW, my dears,” said old Mrs. Rabbit one morning, “you may go into the fields or down the lane, but don’t go into Mr. McGregor’s garden: your Father had an accident there; he was put in a pie by Mrs. McGregor.” “NOW run along, and don’t get into mischief. I am going out.” THEN old Mrs. Rabbit took a basket and her umbrella, to...

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