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Author: Anggun Hapsari

Tak Hanya Lezat, 4 Kue Kering Lebaran Ini Juga Bikin Sehat

Jelang lebaran, kue kering menjadi camilan andalan yang dihidangkan ketika tamu datang. Meskipun bulan Ramadhan belum rampung, penjual kue kering lebaran sudah meningkat di pasaran. Eits, jangan asal pilih. Sebagai pembeli, kita harus selektif dalam memilih camilan kue kering, lho! Mulai dari bahan, rasa, harga, dan yang terpenting manfaatnya! Kue kering dari Happy Cookie bukan sekadar camilan biasa yang memiliki cita rasa yang enak saja, lho. Happy Cookie menggunakan bahan dengan kualitas tinggi dengan beragam manfaat menyehatkan di dalamnya. Mengangkat tema Healthy Food, Happy Cookie menjadi produsen kue kering pertama di Indonesia yang menjual produk dengan varian rasa sayuran yang jarang di pasaran. Selain itu, perpaduan antara penampilan yang menarik, gizi sempurna, dan rasa sayur yang menggugah selera, dijamin akan membuat Anda ketagihan. Happy Cookie menyediakan 4 macam kue kering dengan varian yang tak hanya lezat, namun juga bikin sehat. 1. Kue Kering Lebaran Rasa Wortel Foto : Kue Kering Lebaran Rasa Wortel Jika ingin mata Anda sehat, Anda bisa memilih kue kering dengan rasa wortel. Bukan hanya tampilannya yang lucu, rasa manis dan segar dari wortel akan membuat suasana lebaran Anda menjadi lebih bermakna. 2. Kue Kering Lebaran Rasa Bayam Foto : Kue Kering Lebaran Rasa Bayam Ada juga varian rasa bayam yang manfaatnya berperan penting dalam kesehatan tulang dan mencegah anemia. 3. Kue Kering Lebaran Rasa Jagung Foto : Kue Kering Lebaran Rasa Jagung Produk ini menjadi produk...

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How to Draw an EEPIS’s Multimedia Broadcasting Logo in Paint Software – English Podcast – Anggun Hapsari How to Draw an EEPIS’s Multimedia Broadcasting Logo in The Paint Software Hello everyone! In this video, I will give you some informations about design! Especially, we can learn about make an EEPIS’s Multimedia Broadcasting logo in the paint software. Hope you like it! First, open the paint software with double click. Wait for a minute. Second, choose square shape and red colour. And then drag the cursor in the workspace. Draw as vertical. Fill the shape with red colour. Third, choose this shape and draw like this. And then fill the shape with red colour too. Fourth,...

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Top 10 Photos Editing Software – English Podcast – Anggun Hapsari

 10 Photo Editing Software Picture or photo is very important to produce a good multimedia content. In this video, I will give you some informations about products multimedia, especially about top 10 photos editing software. I hope this information can be useful for photographer and content creator. Hope you like it. 1. Adobe Photoshop This software can create and enhance photographs, illustrations, and 3D artwork. You can also design websites and mobile apps, edit videos, simulate real-life paintings, and many more. Photoshop can edit and compose images in multiple layers and supports masks, alpha compositing, and several color...

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The Ant and The Grasshopper — English Podcast — Anggun Hapsari The Ant And The Grasshopper by Aesop The Ant and the Grasshopper, also known as The Grasshopper and the Ant (or Ants) is one of the most famous of Aesop’s Fables. This fable’s moral lesson emphasizes the twin values of hard work and planning for the future. One bright day in late autumn a family of Ants were bustling about in the warm sunshine, drying out the grain they had stored up during the summer, when a starving Grasshopper, his fiddle under his arm, came up and humbly begged for a bite to eat. “What!” cried the Ants in surprise, “haven’t...

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