To print a document, your computer needs to be installed a printer.  There are two ways to install printer in Linux, you can follow this instructions :

A. Install from terminal

  1. First, you must download official printer driver that compatible with your Linux version. I am currently use Canon MX897.
  2. Second, while it has been done, in the download directory there will be this file cnijfilter-mx890series-3.70-1-deb.tar.
  3. Next, open the terminal
  4. Then login as root, then go to download directory.
  5. After that, make sure there is driver file. Extract the file by using tar command.
  6. Then, while it has been done, the contents of the file will appear. Next, enter the directory file cnijilfter-mx890series-3.70-1-deb. To install it, run # / Before installing, make sure the printer’s USB cable is on and connected to your laptop.
  7. While it has been done, check whether the printer has been installed or not. Go to Devices->Printers. If like this, the printer has been installed successfully.
  8. Next, try to print document.
  9. Finally, printer will start printing.

B. Use additional Package

  1. First, login as root, then install this package : apt-get install cups cups-client “foomatic-db”
  2. Second, add new user to group Lpadmin with this command : Adduser root lpadmin
  3. Next, restart cups and samba service with command : Service cups restart and service samba restart
  4. Then, Activate service cups (if the service is not active), with the command: service cups start
  5. Look at the USB printer and check whether it is connected to the computer. To connect the USB printer, the command is : netstat -ant | grep 631. If your printer appears on the terminal it means your printer is connected
  6. After that we need to configure cups
  1. Then, look in the CUPS for Administrators
  • Click on Adding Printers and Classes
  • Click Add Printer
  1. Next, enter your username and password
  • Choose your printer type
  1. Follow the command, and finish the configure
  • Then, check in the System Setting -> Printer
  • If you see the printer in there, now your printer has been installed successfully