In the past, the internet was seen as something “wow” and complicated for ordinary people, but now we can see for ourselves , the internet has become something that is common to many people.
and this is top strategic technology trends that organisations need to explore in 2019.

1. Autonomous Things
Autonomous things are things that work autonomously without human guidance or direct interaction.

As artificial intelligence has become a trend over the past few years, in 2019, Artificial Intelligence is increasingly becoming the brain for objects such as robots, drones, and autonomous vehicles. AI empowers these objects to interact with the environment and people more naturally.

2. Augmented Analytics
Augmented analytics focuses on a specific area of augmented intelligence, using machine learning (ML) to transform how analytics content is developed, consumed and shared.

This technology allows organizations to optimize the decisions and actions of all employees. So it’s not just relying on analysts and data scientists

3. AI-Driven Development

The ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.

By 2022, at least 40% of new application development projects will have AI co-developers on their team.

4. Digital Twins
Digital twin is a virtual model that can help humans gather information based and accurate predictions to make decisions that affect company productivity

By 2020, Gartner estimates there will be more than 20 billion connected sensors and endpoints and digital twins will exist for potentially billions of things

5. Empowered Edge
In the near term, edge is being driven by IoT and the need keep the processing close to the end rather than on a centralised cloud server.

6. Immersive Experience
This is when technology blurs the line between the physical world and the digital world.

We’re living in the age of experience. And while everyone is still obsessing over millennials, because half the world’s population is under 30, we need to start thinking about the iGen – the generation born with mobiles in their hands

7. Blockchain
Blockchain is a system that does not use third parties, so the records of transactions that have occurred, are stored by many computers that are spread on the network itself.

So it would be more difficult to hack a system of hundreds or thousands of computers.

8. Smart Spaces
Smart Space was designed as an interactive application to help meetings managers better understand the demand for their space, and make more informed decisions in order to sell it more effectively.

9. Digital Ethics and Privacy
Digital ethics is the field of study concerned with the way technology is shaping and will shape our political, social, and moral existence

With digital ethics comes the added variable of assessing the ethical implications of things which may not yet exist, or things which may have impacts we cannot predict.

10. Quantum Computing
A computer using qubits (quantum bits) can store an enormous amount of information and uses less energy doing so than a classical computer.
we will be able to create processors that are significantly faster.

CEOs and IT leaders should start planning for QC by increasing understanding and how it can apply to real-world business problems.