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1. Laravel

Laravel is the most popular PHP framework right now. It is popular because it can handle complex web applications securely and at faster pace than other frameworks. Laravel has many features that make rapid application development possible.

Reasons to use Laravel

  • Laravel is suitable when developing applications with complex backend requirements, whether small or large. Laravel can be easily developed with the pre-packaged Homestead bundle with Vagrant.
  • It’s a PHP framework full of features that will help you customize complex apps. Laravel has many built in features such as templating engine called Blade, local development environment caled Homestead, advanced routing system, and many more.
  • Laravel is highly expressive, and its speed and security are in line with expectations for a modern web application. For developers who want to websites that will evolve with changing web trends, Laravel is the way to go.
  • Laravel is widely known for its ease to use and virtually no learning curve. Despite that, Laravel is a framework for some serious work. So it may seem like a simple tool at first, but it’s a beast when it comes to producing concrete work.


2. CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter is one of the oldest frameworks but is simple and powerful. It can easily be installed and requires minimal user configuration. It works perfectly on almost all shared and dedicated hosting platforms. CodeIgniter is very small in size, it’s only about 2 MB including the documentation.

Reasons to use CodeIgniter

  • CodeIgniter is a lightweight and straightforward PHP framework that’s easy to install, unlike other frameworks. CodeIgniter is a framework for developers who want to develop their projects quickly.
  • Key features include an MVC architecture, top-notch error handling, inbuilt security tools, and simple and excellent documentation.
  • Compared with other frameworks, CodeIgniter is considerably faster. Since it also offers solid performance, it’s a good choice when you want to develop lightweight applications to run on modest servers. However, CodeIgniter releases are a bit irregular, so this framework isn’t a great option for an application that requires high-level security.


3. Symfony

The Symfony framework was launched in 2005, and although it’s older than any other framework in this list, it’s a reliable and mature platform. Symfony’s ecosystem is huge and is supported by an active community of developers.

Reasons to use Symfony

  • Symfony is the perfect choice for developing large-scale enterprise projects. It’s easy to install and configure on most platforms.
  • One of its key features is its reusable PHP components which makes various developmental jobs lot easier such as form creation, routing authentication, object configuration, templating and many others.
  • Symfony is also highly flexible and can integrate with bigger projects like Drupal. Symfony and Laravel have many common and unique features, which makes it difficult to say which of these frameworks is better.

Symfony has a steep learning curve because of its vast amount of features. However, the fast growing community and several unofficial support groups make it easier to learn and get familiar with Symfony.


4. CakePHP

If you’re looking for a toolkit that’s simple and elegant, look no further. CakePHP will help you develop visually impressive, feature-loaded websites. In addition, CakePHP is one of the easiest frameworks to learn, especially because of its CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) framework. CakePHP hit the market in the early 2000s, and since then it’s gained better performance and many new components.

Reasons to use CakePHP

  • CakePHP is simple and easy to install, as you only need a web server and a copy of the framework.
  • It makes a good choice for commercial applications due to security features that include SQL injection prevention, input validation, cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection, and cross-site scripting (XSS) protection.
  • Some key features include a modern framework, fast builds, proper class inheritance, validation, and security. In addition, CakePHP provides great documentation, many support portals, and premium support through Cake Development Corporation.


5. Yii

The Yii framework — which stands for Yes, it is! — is, in fact, simple and evolutionary. It’s a high-performance, component-based PHP framework for developing modern web applications. Yii is suitable for all kinds of web apps. For this reason, it’s a universal web programming framework.

Reasons to use Yii

  • Yii has an easy installation process. Furthermore, its strong security features make the framework suitable for projects that require high security such as e-commerce projects, portals, CMS, forums, and many others.
  • It boasts excellent speed and performance, it’s highly extensible, and it lets developers avoid the complexity of writing repetitive SQL statements, as they can model the database data in terms of objects.
  • Yii has a core developer team and experts that contribute to its development. With a massive community using it, you can post issues on Yii forums and get help.


6. Zend Framework

The Zend framework is a complete object-oriented framework, and the fact that it uses features such as interfaces and inheritance makes it extendable. It was built on the agile methodology, which helps you to deliver high-quality applications to enterprise clients. Zend is highly customizable and it is the right choice for developers who want to add project-specific functionalities.

Reasons to use Zend

  • Zend framework is an excellent fit for complex, enterprise-level projects. It’s the preferred framework for large IT departments and banks.
  • Some key features include MVC components, simple cloud API, data encryption, and session management.
  • It can integrate with external libraries, and you can use only the components you want. The Zend framework comes with extremely good documentation and has a large community base. However, if you’re a mobile app builder, get ready for a steep learning curve.


7. Phalcon

A full-stack PHP framework that employs the MVC web architecture design pattern, Phalcon was originally written in C and C++ and released in 2012. Since it’s delivered as a C-extension, you don’t have to worry about learning the C programming language.

Reasons to use Phalcon

  • Phalcon is easy to install and suitable for creating highly configurable web applications that are in line with enterprise development guidelines.
  • Key features include increased execution speed, asset management, a universal autoloader, and top security and caching.
  • Unlike other frameworks, Phalcon optimizes performance due to its efficient memory utilization. If you’re looking to create a blazing fast website, give Phalcon a try.
  • On the negative side, Phalcon developers are a bit slow to patch bugs, which may not jive with today’s need for high levels of security.


8. FuelPHP

FuelPHP is a flexible, full-stack PHP framework first released in 2011. Apart from supporting the MVC design pattern, it has its own version called the hierarchical model view controller (HMVC). With HMVC, unlike with MVC, content doesn’t need to duplicate to show on multiple pages. As a result, it consumes less time and memory.

Reasons to use FuelPHP

  • FuelPHP helps developers deliver end-to-end web solutions that are diverse in size and complexities.
  • Key features include HMVC implementation, RESTful implementation, a URL routing system, vulnerability protection, and a caching system.
  • It extends its security approach beyond ordinary security measures, making it a great option if security is crucial for your project. Because FuelPHP is relatively new, it offers less support and may present a steeper learning curve.


9. PHPixie

Introduced in 2012 and just like FuelPHP, PHPixie implements the HMVC design pattern. Its goal was to create a high-performance framework for read-only websites.

Reasons to use PHPixie

  • It’s easy to get started with PHPixie, which is suitable for social networking websites, customized web applications, and web app development services.
  • Key features include HMVC architecture, standard ORM (object-relational mapping), input validation, authorization capabilities, authentication, and caching.
  • PHPixie is built using independent components. For this reason, you can use it without the framework itself. Note that PHPixie has relatively few modules. Besides that, it lacks support for components independently made from the dependencies. Since it’s relatively new, it’s less popular and has a smaller community of users than other frameworks.


10. Slim

Slim is another popular PHP micro-framework that helps developers quickly create simple but powerful web applications and APIs.

Reasons to use Slim

  • Just like PHPixie, Slim is easy to learn. PHP developers use Slim to develop RESTful APIs and web services.
  • Key features include URL routing, session, and cookie encryption, client-side HTTP caching, and more.
  • It’s the best framework for a small web application that doesn’t necessarily require a full-stack PHP framework. In addition, active maintenance and friendly documentation make Slim super user-friendly.


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