Laravel 7 release and updated features
Laravel 7 is coming with new exciting features and many more extra things you should know. Before we talk about Laravel 7 an updated version of Laravel release date and features, let us first know what Laravel is. It is a free & open-source PHP web application framework intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern and based on Symfony. Laravel’s major frameworks releases are released every six months, while minor and patch releases may be released as often as every week. In every Laravel newer version, it adds some new features and fixes old bugs. According to the official website of Laravel, Laravel 7 has an official release on 3rd March 2020. According to the 6-month major Laravel version release strategy of the Laravel framework, it is another major version to be released. It is not an LTS version. According to the Laravel version support policy, they provide 6-month by fix until 3rd September 2020, and 1-year security issues fix support until 3rd March 2021. Features And Improvements In Laravel 7 Laravel 7 continues the improvements made in Laravel 6.x. Laravel 7introduces custom Eloquent casts, routing speed improvements, Laravel Airlock, Blade component tags, fluent string operations, a developer-focused HTTP client, first-party CORS support, improved scoping for route model binding, stub customization, database queue improvements, multiple mail drivers, query-time casts, a new artisan test command, and a variety of other...
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